Tuesday 5 October 2010

Literature Review

Now you have completed your PDP elements(assuming you have!), you should be engaged in research for your paper!

  • Please write a short literature review and post on your Blog site so I can check and critique your progress

Example of a Literature Review  (Written by Jo Bowman  - Module leader ARU)

This is a fictitious literature review - I have written this as an example:
Read all the sources that you have gathered and write a paragraph, simply summarising (paraphrasing - in you own words) what is written: -

Smith 2009 argues that students are often late to lectures due to the excesses of alcohol, however Jones 2008 states that most students cannot wake up until midday due to a natural hormonal anomaly and this is why they are tardy. He also mentions that due to this, all lectures should take place in the afternoon and cites Haden 2003 and his interesting insight into student sleep patterns to evidence this. Morgan 2008 notes that some individuals are either "early birds or night owls", and many students follow this pattern. Those people who favour early rising are very often exhausted by mid afternoon, whereas late risers can produce their best work after midnight (Wright 2009).

As you can see I have inserted the surname and date of the different authors of each source within the literature review. You need to keep an account of the full reference of each author, which will eventually go in your reference page - like this....


Jones, R. 2008 "Hormonal studies in the student population" SA. Sawyers Books
Morgan. S. 2008 " Sleep patterns in humans" [Internet] http://www. sleeping is great.com [10-10-09]
Wright, J. 2009 "Why students are always tired" USA. Barker Publishing

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